Is this your first CNY celebration with your baby? You are probably scouring the stores for the perfect matching outfits and getting your baby to practice the “Gong Xi Gong Xi” gesture to greet all family members, relatives and friends. Preparing a CNY day out with your baby can be overwhelming especially when the weather is hot and humid.
We have some tips to help make your experience more comfortable and manageable.
Plan and pack in advance
Have a checklist of all the items you need for the day to keep your baby well-fed, clean, dry, comfortable and entertained. Always pack extra clothing for you and also baby in case of any mess. If you are planning to pump or breastfeed, it will be a good idea to map out your route and plan your day in advance. Pack a nursing cover so you can pump or nurse anywhere. You may also want to prepare some healthy snacks to keep you full and keep yourself hydrated to maintain your milk supply.
Prepare what you are going to say to everyone
This may be your first time meeting a lot of people at once with your baby. The more people you meet, the more you may be exposed to unsolicited advices on parenting. When you are just looking for a good time with family and friends, these comments can be overwhelming. Prepare beforehand what you want to say to the people you meet if ever such opinions and advices come up. Keep your responses short and polite, but firm.
Dress your baby comfortably
CNY is a busy and crowded time. Although it will be nice to dress your baby in CNY outfits, it is important to also dress them in comfortable, breathable clothing to keep their body cool and dry to prevent getting heat rash. You do not want a fussy baby during CNY. Choose 100% cotton material and clothing that is not too tight on your baby's skin like Gauze Undershirt.
Opt for on-the-go baby cleaning essentials
Traveling and house visitation can be tiring and hectic. Choosing to bring on-the-go travel-friendly essentials to clean your baby can save a lot of time and hassles. Wet Cleaning Cotton is individually packed which you can clean your baby’s mouth anytime, anywhere as well as ideal as a breastfeeding wipe. Antibacterial Cotton Sheet is very useful when your baby starts eating solids and you need to clean up your baby and the mess effectively and easily. We also suggest bringing a portable changing mat so you can change diapers for your baby anywhere.
Set a boundary
For safety reasons, keep your baby close. It is normal for people to want to touch and carry your cute baby during CNY. When COVID and Influenza are still actively around, it is perfectly okay to let them know not to touch your baby’s hand and face. If you are not comfortable with all the touching, you can wear your baby in a baby carrier strapped to you or your husband at all times and then swap whenever one is tired.
Rest as and when needed
If things get overwhelming, or the traveling and meeting people tire you out, take breaks as and when needed. Find a quiet spot to sit and rest, or head back to your hotel or home for a nap.
Chinese New Year is a time to celebrate and enjoy the company of family and friends we do not meet often. Take it all in, let your baby enjoy the festivities too. At the same time, it is also important to take things at your own pace and make adjustments when needed. After all, it is about having a good time and letting your baby exposed to a new experience. With some planning and preparation, you and your baby can enjoy the celebrations in tow.
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- 20 Items to Bring Along when Traveling with a Baby
- Tips for Balik Kampung with Babies
- Protecting Your Babies & Toddlers when Traveling during COVID-19 Pandemic